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The truth is, you can lose weight on any “diet.” If you eat nothing but ice cream for two weeks, you will likely lose a few pounds. But no one can live and be healthy eating only ice cream for life. That’s the problem with dieting: you can only lose weight by staying with a particular way of eating. Once you return to your “normal” habits, the weight invariably returns, usually plus more.

Maintain weight loss results, our way

Our approach: sensible, supervised, often more slowly achieved weight loss (two to five pounds per week) – plus important information about achieving results that can be maintained.

Discover Ideal Protein

Our medically developed weight loss method offers a structured plan with ten years of proven results, designed to end to yo-yo dieting for good. From beginning to end, your weight loss will be supervised by a personal weight loss coach. Our one-on-one guidance, paired with crucial nutritional and lifestyle education, can help you maintain your healthy weight post diet, a big difference from the normal dieting/regaining cycle. And weekly coaching will not only educate you, but also motivate you.

Weight loss in four phases

The first two phases of our protocol will help you meet your weight loss goal. The third and four phases teach you about smarter eating and lifestyle choices that can help you maintain a healthy weight after dieting. This knowledge — translating initial weight loss into changes needed to sustain stable weight maintenance – is what makes the difference.

Our program has a beginning, middle and end

It’s based on teaching you how to live your life at a stable weight. You’ll discover:

  • How to reduce body fat

  • How to support muscle mass

  • How sugar impacts the creation of body fat

  • What food combinations to avoid

  • How to avoid weight gain

  • How to continue enjoying the foods you love

Learn about our medically developed dieting protocol

We can help you achieve your weight loss goals, and even more importantly, we can teach you how to maintain a balanced weight after dieting. Call for a consultation appointment today: 256-489-5748.

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